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Voluntary military service in this country is one of the most honored and necessary activities for the defense of the nation, and therefore the government has made sure that there are many incentives for the continued conscription of young, able bodied individuals to serve their country. Some of these incentives include education funding, veteran’s medical coverage and even paid leave from the jobs they work at. That’s right, for workers who leave their positions to serve in the military, there are yet more benefits added to the laundry list.

Federal law requires that an employee be given a military leave of up to five years at full pay, and that upon the termination of the employee’s military duty, he or she be placed back into a the position that would normally be held in the time elapsed were the employee not to have taken any leave. Indeed, the incentives are quite attractive for those who consider it their duty to take up post in the armed services. Fortunately for business owners, the hardships and risks associated with military service often deter those who would otherwise join. In order to make sure their company is the attractive alternative, savvy employers should provide ample benefits to their employees.

Military Leave
Under the federal Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), you must give your new employee a military leave of absence of up to five years. All employees are eligible for this military leave;