Survey Questions Retirement


401(K) Plan and Pension Plan

Does your company provide the following ?    [ ] 401(K) Plan    [ ] Pension Plan   [ ] None

What length of service is required before employees are eligible for your retirement plan?
     [ ] Hire Date      [ ] End Probation      [ ] 3 Months      [ ] 6 Months      [ ] One year      [ ] Other _________________

Are all employees eligible for your retirement plan?      [ ] Yes       [ ] No

If no, which employees are not eligible?      [ ] Part Time       [ ] Other Please explain ____________________________

401(K) Plan

Does your plan provide for a company match?    [ ] Yes    [ ] No    If yes, what percentage is matched? _____%

How many years until an employee is fully vested?    [ ] Immediately    [ ] One    [ ] Five    [ ] Ten    [ ] Other __________

How many investment options does your plan offer?    [ ] None    [ ] 2 - 4    [ ] 3 - 5    [ ] 5 - 8    [ ] More than 8

Pension Plan

How many years of service are required to earn a pension?    [ ] 10 years    [ ] 20 years    [ ] 30 years    [ ] Other ________

What is the maximum percentage of pay received under the plan?    [ ] 100%    [ ] 70%    [ ] 66%    [ ] Other___________ 

Does your benefit formula utilize?    [ ] Salary and Service (combination)    [ ] Flat dollar amount

Is there an age plus service requirement?    [ ] Yes    [ ] No What is the minimum retirement age under the plan? _______

Human Resources
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